
Datacomp Sp z o.o. joined the Sustainable Infrastructure Cluster.

We are pleased to announce that the Datacomp Sp. o.o. joined the Sustainable Infrastructure Cluster http://www.klasterzi.pl/en/about-us.html .

Sustainable Infrastructure Cluster is a project jointly implemented by entities interested in developing, implementation and commercialization of innovative technologies in the area of construction industry and automation of modern technology. The Cluster consists of numerous entities specializing in science and business (e.g. Jagiellonian Univeristy, AGH University of Science and Technology, Institute of Advanced Technologies, Krakow Technology Park and a number of private companies from all over Poland).

Cluster Sustainable Infrastructure as a co-operational network creates for its members an organizational base, provides funds and infrastructure for the development, implementation and commercialization of innovative products and technologies. Cluster team constantly acquires and distributes Polish and worldwide expertise, popularize the world’s emerging innovations and transfers them to the Polish market of low-energy buildings. Cluster functions also as a platform enabling to establish international cooperation and to exchange information and experience of scientists, architects and designers with installers, contractors and investors interested in low-energy construction and green technologies.