The second edition of the conference „Nowe Oblicza BIM” took place in Złota Tarasy in Warsaw on November 7th 2017.
The conference gathered over 500 participants this year. The event was addressed to all people who are interested in BIM, including architects, engineers, designers, developers, quantity surveyors, contractors and manufacturers of construction products, as well as academic teachers and students. Speakers presented the benefits and challenges associated with BIM technology at various stages of the investment process, projects implemented in this technology, conclusions and experiences. The event was organized by WSC Sp. z o.o.. The honorary patrons of the event were: BIM Klaster, Association of Polish Architects SARP, Polish Association of Developer Companies, Polish Association of Technicians and Engineers, Institution of Civil Engineers. Datacomp company was one of the sponsors of the event. Datacomp’s representative had a greate pleasure to present her presentation entitled „BOQ -BIM vs. traditional methods”.
In the intervals between the lectures, participants of the conference had the opportunity to talk with speakers and representatives of companies presenting their products, including Datacomp. We were pleased to be able to advise you and share with you our expertise in BIM 4D and 5D technologies.
Once again we would like to thank Organizers for the invitation and excellent organization of the event. You can find more about the conference at .
We also invite you to view the gallery from this event (photos provided by the event’s Organizer – WSC Witold Szymanik and S-ka Sp. Z o.o):